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Sunday, July 3, 2016

No Game No Life Review

Okay, so I just finished the anime No Game No Life.

And the very first thing I had noticed was the outline of the drawings. Like this:

See anything weird?

Yup! You saw it right! Unlike other anime, they use the color brown (or red?), instead of black for the outlines and it looks weird. And I don't mean that in a negative way.

Anyway, let's get down to business. What's the anime about, really?
The series follows Sora and his younger stepsister Shiro, two hikikomori (recluse or loners) who make up the identity of Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a reality which revolves around games. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games.


In terms of plot, No Game No Life would NEVER fail you. It's the type of anime that'd make you wish for a second season. You wouldn't have to worry about having high standards because the anime is sure to live up to your expectations. The world building was consistent, complex and promising (though it probably would never be able to match Hayao Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" world-building).

So far, I don't think I have encountered any plot hole. Which is good, because you know, lots of anime give out a number of mysteries yet sometimes they fail to explain it. The story has enough content per episode that would make you yearn for more.

Yup. You'd probably experience this. I watched all 12 episodes in one go. Then slept at 4am. *sigh*


I did tell you about the drawing outlines. To tell the truth, I didn't like the color of the visuals at first. It was too bright and disorienting, especially for people like me who have not-so-clear vision. I got used to it later, but that doesn't mean I completely like it. And that doesn't mean that's what others think. I actually read a lot of reviews, and lots of authors are actually delighted at the color palettes used. Well, just watch it now and it's for you to decide whether you like it or not.

Colors aside, I do think that the drawings were wonderful! (Except for the fact that Sora isn't exactly what you call "eye candy".) But hey, who wouldn't want a world that looks like this?


The background music of the anime isn't exactly worth remembering. But that's not the case for the opening song.

Entitled "This Game", sung and composed by Suzuki Konomi and Fukaao Yuki respectively, the song actually garnered a lot of attention (especially to piano players). There's just something about it you know, even I don't know how to explain it in words. Well, let's try to listen to it!

"THIS GAME" - No Game No Life - Opening Song

"THIS GAME"  - Full Version

"THIS GAME" - Piano Cover by Animenz.
Seriously, you might want to listen to this.


One thing I noticed: they have weird eyes. Weird enough to include them on a list that compiles characters with the oddest eyes.

The adventures of Sora and Shiro, and their genius (cheating and not cheating) tactics are so fun to watch. As for Sora, he seemed to be a compilation of Lelouch's charm and genius, Jiraiya's perversion converted to modern times and Itami's love of cat girls.

Setting aside the harem-building going on the anime, I think most of the characters are well-made. Each of them have their own uniqueness that makes them memorable. I'm still wishing for more male characters in the game though. *cries*

P.S. I have absolutely NO IDEA whether Tet is a boy or a girl. I think he's a boy.

Update: I just researched about it. Tet is a boy. my guess was right.

Anyway, the characters are good! They are consistent on their actions and reactions. Character development is amazing and does not seem forced.


So in case you haven't watched it yet, don't waste your time! Watch it now!
And yeah, I found some pretty good picture that summarizes everything up.

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